As some of you may know, my ride to work passes by 33 different Virgin Mary statues, but that is not the only form of yard art I ride by. I must say, these are my favorite kind of dogs to pass by on my bike.
It has been a good week of riding in so far. I have been crossing paths with a guy that rides the same route in the morning. It is nice to say 'good morning' to another cyclist as I ride into work. The other people I have begun to notice drive cars. One guy drives this huge, cherry red pick-up truck with at least a V8 engine. I try not to inhale his exhaust as he politely pulls past me over the interstate bridge. Another driver, a middle-aged woman who drives an older gold BMW grips her steering wheel oddly as she peers through the windshield. Her face brightly colored with make-up, her neck wrapped in gold, hair upturned in a fifties do. I swear it is her perfume I smell in the air. Needless to say, she doesn't understand the girl she passes each morning riding her bike to work. Hey, I think my hair turns out pretty good on the mornings in ride in! (;